Someone who holds shares of stock in a corporation. 持有一个公司的股份的人。
The total includes debt as well as preferred shares of stock in AIG held by the Treasury Department. 总数包括债务还有财政部拥有的美国国际集团优先股股份。
The banker latched onto a thousand shares of stock. 这个银行家拥有1000股。
Purchasing the shares of stock at the premium means that the buying price is beyond the face value. 溢价购买是指以超出股票面值的价格购买股票。
The banker latched onto a thousand shares of stock. a bank holding company owning several banks. 这个银行家拥有1000股。一家拥有几家银行的银行控股公司。
It involves borrowing shares of stock and then selling them in the hope that the stock will lose value. 卖空是先借股票,然后卖出,期望股票价格会下跌。
This definition includes such common items as shares of stock, warrants and options, promissory notes, membership interests in limited liability companies, bonds and debentures. 这个定义包括共同项目作为股份、认股权证和期权,本票,会员权益有限责任公司、债券和公司债券。
( corporation law) the authorization and delivery of shares of stock for sale to the public or the shares thus offered at a particular time. (企业法)授予和发送给公众的出售份额或者在特定时期提供的份额。
Of course, no cash actually changes hands& the new shares of stock are sent directly to the stockholders. 无线电器材库和盘存股当然,库存现金并未发生变化&新股直接发给了股东。
Equity is ownership interest in a corporation, represented by the shares of stock which are held by investors. 股权是所有者对公司兴趣所在,以投资者所拥有的股票数目来体现。
This week Pandora began selling shares of stock to the public. 这一周,Pandora开始向公众出售它的股份。
Shares of stock are "securities" and as such are subject to federal and state regulation of their offer and sale. 股份属于“证券”,因而其发行和出售要受联邦和州的管理。
A lot of non-exchangeable state-owned shares of stock appear false prosperous and hamper the sufficient function of securities market. 大量非流通国有股一定程度上造成我国股市的虚假繁荣,并制约了证券市场功能的充分发挥。
Millions of Americans bought shares of stock in companies that seemed to grow bigger every month. 数百万的美国人购买了那些似乎是每个月都在成长的公司的股票。
Stock dividend is a term used to describe a distribution of additional shares of stock to a company's stockholders in proportion to their present holdings. 股票股利是一个术语,用来描述公司向股东按其现有持股比例增发的股票。
The capital stock of a company is the total of all the shares of stock. 一个公司的股本是全部股票的总额。
The overall effect is the same as if the dividend had been paid in cash, and the stockholders had immediately reinvested the cash in the business in exchange for additional shares of stock. 它的总体影响就好像是向股东支付了现金股利,而股东立即把现金投回企业以换取更多的股份。
The undersigned shareholders agree that they will not sell, assign, transfer, or otherwise dispose of the shares of stock owned by any of them. 签署本协议的各位股东同意,他们将不出售、转让、过户,或者处置他们任何人所有的股份。
She also bequeathed them the deed to her house, her bank account, a few shares of stock in the local gas and electric company, as well as the American flag she was presented with at Grandpa edwin's military funeral. 她还给他们留下了她的房契、银行户头、少许当地天然气及电气公司的参股,还有她出席埃德温姥爷军事葬礼时获赠的美国国旗。
Stock options: Financial instruments that give employees the right to purchase shares of stock at a set price. 股票期权:让员工有权购买价格设定的股票的金融工具。
He exchanged his shares of stock for a cash payment. 他把他的股份兑换成现金支付。
First, we came to regard the stock market as our piggy bank; if we needed a little spending money, surely we could always sell a few shares of stock or a bit of a mutual fund at a profit. 首先,我们可以把股票当我们的存钱罐,如果我们需要一小笔的开支那我们总是会卖出几股盈利的股票或基金。
Exchange these for shares of stock in the ordinary firms. 用这些股份交换普通厂商的股份。
Ownership of a corporation is evidenced by transferable shares of stock, which may be sold by one investor to another. 公司的所有权通过可转让的股份予以确认,股份可以在投资者之间自由转让。
The company is selling shares of stock in order that it can get money to expand. 这个公司销售很好,以至于渡过了金融危机。
Most automotive dealers, for example, being compensated for the inconvenience, would presumably accept shares of stock as payment for a car. 打个比方,多数汽车经销商想必会接受股票作为购车款,只要自己的麻烦得到恰当补偿。
Lock-up agreement a legally binding contract between the Underwriters and insiders of the company prohibits them from selling any shares of stock for a certain specified period of time. 锁定协议承销商与公司的内部人士之间具有法律约束力的合约,规定在特定时期内,这些人士不可出售任何该公司的股票。
Second, the owners of shares of stock have limited liability; they are not responsible for corporate debts. 其次,股东只担负有限责任,他们不必为公司的债务负责。
Shares of stock initially subscribed by members shall be issued at par. 成员初始认缴股份应按面值发行。